More books to come, but for now, enjoy the one below!

My Identity Crisis Christ Is
We all have a story. I simply felt led to share mine openly. As you journey through my story, I hope that you will see God’s hand on my life. There will be some bumps and bruises along the way, but I am still here.

Thank you so much for visiting my site! If you made it to the book link, you may be interested in purchasing, but maybe you want a sneak peek. That is totally fine, and I cannot say I blame you, lol. I am still on a journey each day, I have not arrived, nor am I trying to tell you how to live your life. I would like to highly suggest that you begin to find the roots of the brokenness and unforgiveness and begin to do the work to move towards healing. That work may include counseling, conversations, acceptance, tears, and other things. None of those things are appealing nor do they motivate us to run towards the pain in order to confront it and begin moving forward. Trust me, I get it. It stinks! When you allow the healing to take place, the broken pieces of our life can be carefully handled by our Heavenly Father. He can take the broken pieces and make something beautiful from it.
I want to share an insert from my book. This is from the chapter titled Brokenness:
“In the middle of brokenness, broken people can say or do things that make no sense at all. We are all broken in some way and when we don’t let the potter, our Heavenly Father, fix our brokenness we find ourselves literally grasping for something to hold on to, even if it is not the best or the healthiest thing. Sometimes people do things to us in our lives, and instead of learning to forgive them, or even trying to, we hold animosity in our hearts, and we become bitter. When we stand before God, we cannot use the excuse of not doing what He asked us to do due to what someone did to us. We cannot blame someone else forever for the way we choose to live due to trauma we experienced. Well, we could, but how does that help us deal with the pain? How does that help us grow? How does that help us heal?”
Trust me when I tell you it is easier to be bitter than better, but we cannot let bitterness set root in our hearts. We cannot allow the thoughts and anger towards someone to set up shop and rob us of our joy. It is a process. A process to forgive, a process to go from bitter to better, but you do not have to face that alone. Your Heavenly Father wants you to give it all over to Him. The question remains, will you give it to Him?
Hi Nakia, finished reading the book this weekend. It was very good. Even though I knew part of your story it was able to fill in some gaps. I feel this book will be very encouraging for those who have gone through the same or similar situations. Continue to let God lead and direct your path. You are destined for great things.
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